
The parents of Alpha Iota members play a vital role in this chapter. As a chapter, we are proud to have a group of outstanding young men. We recognize our parents as the main source in developing the character of our members. Behind every great chapter are great parents, and we believe our parents are worth celebrating.

Celebrating Our Parents

During select weekends throughout the year, our fraternity hosts Parent’s Weekend and Mother’s Weekend.

These events are set up for our active brothers' guardians to visit the property, meet the brothers, and enjoy the food and atmosphere at Pi Kappa Phi. These weekends are a great opportunity to see what our chapter is all about and become more involved. Pi Kappa Phi is planning on having Parents Weekend the weekend of October 21st, 2023. This is the same weekend as the Ole Miss game. The parents of all of our brothers are invited and encouraged to attend. We prepare a cocktail party on Friday night, and on Saturday, the parents are invited to the house for our tailgate.

Mother’s Weekend is held in late February. We plan a fun weekend for our brothers and their mothers to share. On Friday, mothers will have a meet and greet at the house, and then on Saturday, we host a brunch for our mothers to enjoy. We will send out more information via Facebook and email regarding both events. Click here to join the Pi Kapp Parents Facebook group.