Staying Connected

​Pi Kappa Phi is home to members from all over the country. The diverse group of brothers impact our lives and our chapter in countless ways. Therefore, connecting and engaging with our alums nationwide is an important goal of ours. We have created alumni Facebook and LinkedIn groups to do just that. Click on the word Facebook or LinkedIn to join the respective groups.

At the Alpha Iota Chapter, we host numerous events and create opportunities that give our current brothers and graduated alumni the ability to keep in touch with each other and the chapter. The Chapter Historian and the Alumni Committee will work together in sending out bi-weekly newsletters that inform the alums of the current activities and achievements of the chapter. If you would like to subscribe, please enter your email below.

Updating Our Contact List

The contact information we have of our alumni is currently outdated so the chapter would like to provide our alums an opportunity to update their information. Filling out this form will update your information on our contact list. We will not use this information to solicit or spam your inbox, instead, we would like to keep a reliable contact on file.